1961 Clippings

Ongoing research; last updated 7 July 2011

6th February 1962 - Parks Department (Operations Card 26 D3)

Land adjoining Selly Oak Park

At the meeting on 6.2.61, the Parks Committee were informed that as a result of a public enquiry, the Minister had decided that the opportunity ought to not to be lost of making good part of the open space deficiency by utilizing suitable land which had the advantage of adjoining the Park.  In view of the decision, the City Engineer and Surveyor thought that consideration might be given to the possible joint use of the site with the Education Committee.

P.C. Min. 23165 of 6.2.61 appointed representatives of the Committee to meet representatives of the Education Committee for the purpose of considering the possible joint use of the private sports ground adjoining the Park owned by the Birmingham Battery and Metal Co. Ltd.

6th November 1961 - Parks Department (Operations Card 26 D3)

Selly Oak Park – Request for Rear Access Way Facilities

As it would be necessary to remove shrubbery and to resite the park path in order to provide the strip of land required for access purposes, which would seriously affect the amenities of the park, P.C. Min. 23860 of 6.11.61 resolved that Alderman Mrs. F.E. Hammond be apprised of the circumstances surrounding the application received from Mr. L.G. Cartwiright on behalf of the residents of nos. 52 – 60 Gibbins Road for a strip of open space land at the Park at the side of no. 52 Gibbins Road to be made available for vehicular access to the rear of their houses.  Alderman Mrs. F.E. Hammond was requested to explain to the applicants the above reasons why the Parks Committee were unwilling to agree to the application, in view of her close association with the district.

Proposed Acquisition of Section of the Birmingham and Dudley Canal

Arising out of the fact that the City Engineer and Surveyor had again mentioned the possible acquisition of a section of the canal by the Parks Committee, and that the Chairman of the general Committee had taken an interest in the matter, P.C. Min. 23878 of 6.1.61 resolved that approval in principle be given to the appropriation by the Parks Committee of a section of the canal.  The section in question adjoined the northern boundary of Selly Oak Park and the Public Works Committee were to be informed accordingly of the Parks Committee’s intention if investigation showed the scheme for a water feature to be practicable and after the necessary engineering works had been carried out.